As life would have it…we have lost some truly beautiful souls recently. The Queen. Not much has gone unsaid, that I would need to add. I, like the rest of us, remain in awe of the outpouring of love and compassion her majesty's passing has created. It's no surprise, just another confirmation of how we, whether you believe in the monarchy or not, can't help but respect the commitment of her life to her duty. My naive self hopes that she is with Phillip looking down and smiling and feeling content that she mattered. I really wonder if any of us are ever aware of how much the ones around us love us? I don't think we do, I don't think we tell each other enough... Did the Queen? I hope so. Another life I ponder. Olivia Newton John. Yes, a contrast to the Queen, but what I find fascinating is the path Olivia Newton John took after her third diagnosis with cancer. I read that she chose to not find out how much time she had left on earth. Why? Because she didn’t want to ruin what was left, however long or short. She didn't want to live according to a timeline… but to live each day fully. I then thought, this is really how we should live our lives to begin with.

We ultimately will all die. It's a fact. We usually never know the date, so why compromise the quality with knowing the quantity? I think it may be even more intense when you know the clock is ticking louder and the time may be closer. I want to thank Olivia Newton John for taking this approach and by reading her story, it helped me rethink my life plan with more awareness. I don't have a circle on a calendar of my expiry date, but I am going to make sure I keep thinking of how I don't want to waste a moment.

My mother in contrast was not given a choice of finding out her timeline. The doctor told her in the office, “You have 3 months, get your things in order.” The ride home from that doctor's visit my mother said to me, “I will be dead by Christmas.” She was. I literally saw my mother dissolve in front of me within the exact three months she was given. No fight, no hope. I say this because something tells me if she was given hope or not that harsh news, then perhaps she would have not given up. I will never know, but I am very aware of how strong the mind can make or break you and dash your hopes and dreams if you let it. I know now not to accept anyone who wastes any precious moments on worthless thoughts. Perhaps the most positive takeaway is from the beautiful song, sung and written by Tim McGraw, Live Like You Were Dying. Words are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful. Let's live and not fear. Xo